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Grange Park School

Learning for Life - Personalised Pathways for All

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Following the Ofsted inspection on the 21st and 22nd February 2024, Grange Park has been judged to be a "good" school with outstanding features with three of the five categories rated outstanding. 


Below are some of the comments from the Lead Inspector about Grange Park School; the full inspection report can be downloaded by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page. There is also a link to the Ofsted website and the DFE's School Performance Tables website.


'The school is expert in understanding and meeting the needs of pupils with autism spectrum disorder. Pupils appreciate the exceptionally calm and orderly environment

throughout the school'


'pupils demonstrate exceptional levels of self-control and commitment to their education'


'Every aspect of the school’s environment has been developed to meet pupils’ needs. Staff ensure that each pupil gets the right provision set out in their education, health

and care (EHC) plan. As a result, pupils fully engage with the school’s academic curriculum as well as with the myriad of enriching experiences that form part of their



'The curriculum is highly ambitious. Pupils study a very broad range of academic and vocational subjects'


'The school provides sensitive support for pupils who arrive at the school at an early stage of learning to read. Some pupils arrive at the school having never had the

confidence to read aloud. Staff work very successfully to rebuild pupils’ reading confidence through regular opportunities to read aloud with a familiar adult. Pupils

are encouraged and supported to read for pleasure'


'The school’s personal development programme is transformative for pupils and their families. At its heart is a carefully sequenced programme to develop pupils’ social

communication and emotional regulation'


'Pupils’ behaviour in lessons and around the school is exceptionally positive. Pupils appreciate the belief that staff and leaders have in each of them and work hard to

live up to the school’s values and expectations'