The development of our enrichment programme has been in line with pupil voice, and also the needs and abilities of the students.
This year, during a school council meeting, pupils asked to receive more humanities lessons so that they would be better prepared for KS4 options, as well as having Life Skills lessons, as they have seen what the KS4 and KS5 pupils have been doing in their Life Skills lessons. Therefore, we have adapted our enrichment programme to meet these requests.
Pupils in Key Stage 2 have enriching activities each week. During these sessions, pupils complete activities on a rotation including; outdoor learning, swimming and intervention with our therapy team.
Key Stage 3 pupils now have a 2 lesson period each week called Enriching Activities. This is a rolling programme which includes: SaLT interventions, Forest School, Life Skills and an off-site activity chosen by the class. Pupils rotate through the sessions, ensuring that they will access all options every year. During the off-site activity, pupils can choose from a range of activities that they may not have access to during National Curriculum lessons.
For Key Stage 4 pupils, enrichment looks different to Key Stage 3. In Year 10, pupils will either take Physics as an extra option, or take part in Life Skills. Pupils will receive accreditations relevant to the course they are taking; a GCSE in Physics, or an ASDAN Life Skills challenge award. In Year 11, pupils receive an extra English and Mathematics lesson to prepare them for these core exams coming at the end of the year.
The enrichment programme feeds into the SCERTs programme that we use at Grange Park School, which is a measure of pupils; social membership and friendships, independence, cooperation and appropriateness, flexibility and resilience, active learning and organisation, sense of others, and sense of self and happiness. Pupil progress across these areas is supported by the weekly enrichment lessons.
Pupils report that they enjoy the enrichment programme and like having a pupil voice over the offered activities.