Our Vision and Values - Learning for Life
Grange Park aspires to be a school where learning needs are identified and met leading to outstanding academic achievement
A school where individual needs are identified and met leading to exceptional personal achievements socially and emotionally
A school where personal aspirations are nurtured leading to the transition to a successful adulthood in the wider community
Grange Park will achieve these aspirations by:
Providing an environment which can meet the pupils’ autism needs, where they can feel welcome and safe, meeting people who understand, accept and support them.
Enabling pupils to become confident learners through outstanding teaching that meet the needs of the individual, effective learning interventions and the provision of appropriate technology.
Enabling pupils to manage their autism, develop coping strategies, develop their social and communication skills and increase their independence.
Supporting families in helping them meet the needs of the individual.
All staff committed to the concept of unconditional positive regard for all pupils.
All staff recognise that the needs of the pupils are paramount and mould their own practice to accommodate those needs.
All staff strive to achieve the highest levels of professional conduct acting as positive role models in terms of speech, behaviour, appearance and demeanour both in and out of school.
All staff recognise and actively engage in their responsibility to the whole staff team in a positive, collaborative and supportive manner.
All staff recognise the need for flexible and adaptable work practices.
All staff committed to continuous professional development and lifelong learning.
Working with others
We believe that parents/carers are the experts on their children and that an effective partnership is essential in order to achieve the highest possible success for each pupil. We believe that Grange Park should have fluent lines of communication in order to share its knowledge, skills and understanding with parents/carers.
We are working with stakeholders to ensure that they have the information they need. The school is committed to providing transparent information to parents and maintaining strong lines of communication.
The Wider Community
We believe that the school has a duty to share best practice and this will be done by:
Developing partnerships with other schools and colleges
Developing an effective Outreach and Inreach Service
Linking with local businesses and workplace settings
Being actively involved in KsENT
Developing relationships with our local community