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Grange Park School

Learning for Life - Personalised Pathways for All

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Grange Park Alumni

If you’re a former student of Grange Park School, we want to hear from you!

Your experiences since leaving Grange Park could help to motivate and inspire our current students to feel more confident in making decisions about their future.

We would like you to keep in touch. Please contact us by emailing 


Student A

Joined Grange Park in 2018 and was part of Post16@College. They completed a level 2 and level 3 in Animal Management. Applied to university and is now studying a foundation degree in Zoo Husbandry and Management. 


Student B

Joined Grange Park in year 12 and studied the Post16@Wrotham curriculum. They were previously out of education for a number of months. They successfully transitioned in to the Post16@College pathway and completed a level 2 in Health and Social Care.  After one year on the pathway they successfully transitioned into the college community independent of Grange Park and is now studying a level 3 programme.


Student C

Studied the Post16@Wrotham curriculum and achieved a number of qualifications that supported their transition into adulthood.  With the support of the school, they moved into supported living and is continuing their journey into independence.


Student D

Joined Grange Park in year 7 and was successfully supported to achieve a number of qualifications and accreditations including seven GCSE's passes.  They undertook various work placement in the horticulture, hospitality and education sectors to expand their skills and knowledge.  The transitioned into a Post19 provision to continue their educational journey.